andrea mbarushimana
small abstracts
During the first Lockdown Andrea found it hard to paint in her usual way. Her attention span was even shorter than usual! She found a map among some old photos and remembered flying over cities at night, seeing the shapes of streets from above and thinking how beautiful they were. With inspiration from Instagram – evakalien and sheilarora - she began to draw in layers of pen and paint, testing ideas on her phone. The result is these wonderfully vibrant minature abstract prints, inspired by maps of Coventry and memories of flying. Available as single, twin and triple prints colour mounts.
Post & packing included
small abstracts
During the first Lockdown Andrea found it hard to paint in her usual way. Her attention span was even shorter than usual! She found a map among some old photos and remembered flying over cities at night, seeing the shapes of streets from above and thinking how beautiful they were. With inspiration from Instagram – evakalien and sheilarora - she began to draw in layers of pen and paint, testing ideas on her phone. The result is these wonderfully vibrant minature abstract prints, inspired by maps of Coventry and memories of flying. Available as single, twin and triple prints colour mounts.
Post & packing included
small abstracts
During the first Lockdown Andrea found it hard to paint in her usual way. Her attention span was even shorter than usual! She found a map among some old photos and remembered flying over cities at night, seeing the shapes of streets from above and thinking how beautiful they were. With inspiration from Instagram – evakalien and sheilarora - she began to draw in layers of pen and paint, testing ideas on her phone. The result is these wonderfully vibrant minature abstract prints, inspired by maps of Coventry and memories of flying. Available as single, twin and triple prints colour mounts.
Post & packing included